Especially in a summer outfit or in a strapless evening dress, the appearance of the upper arms becomes the centre of attention. Fresh, firm shapes and firm muscles are considered youthful and sporty. The older you get, the more likely it is that your skin will slacken. This can have various causes. An upper arm lift can be a very positive way for those affected, because sagging skin often puts so much strain on them.
It can happen that you prefer long-sleeved clothing, start to be afraid of the public and thus lose a lot of quality of life. In our clinic in Munich we will be happy to advise you on how to improve the contours of your upper arms again. As specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery, the trust of our patients is very important to us. Upper arm liftings are therefore only carried out after individual consultation.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!
Short info Upper Arm Lift
Operation duration
approx. 2 to 4 hours
local anaesthesia & twilight sleep
Clinic stay
outpatient or 1 – 2 days inpatient
Appear in public
after approx. 7 days
after approx. 2 weeks
from 3,000 €*
*bill according to scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ)
Typical problems of the upper arms
As a result of ageing processes, the skin and the subcutaneous layers become increasingly slack, to varying degrees depending on the individual. The skin often reacts to radical diets with a strong and too fast weight loss by losing its elasticity.
A lack of exercise, insufficiently developed body muscles as well as the decreasing muscle mass with increasing age reinforce this effect. The excess of skin and subcutaneous tissue after weight loss is mainly present on the inner sides of the upper arms. In addition, even increased sporting activity has significantly less positive effects with age.
Which surgical Upper Arm Lift procedures exist?
If the slackening of the skin and the subcutaneous layers is very pronounced, the excess tissue can only be tightened again by means of surgical skin lifting.
In an operative Upper Arm Lift, excess skin and fatty tissue together with the subcutaneous tissue are removed either in a crescent-shaped, L- or T-shaped incision and the remaining skin is tightened. The later scar is then either hidden in the armpit or in the inner upper arm area between the two main muscles (the so-called biceps and triceps muscles).
Liposuction is usually performed to improve the contour of the upper arm. However, if the skin is too slack to shrink again after liposuction or weight reduction, the excess skin can be removed surgically. The extent of the procedure depends on the degree of skin changes.
Which risks do skin lifts have?
Basically, we will thoroughly measure the excessive and slack skin and fatty tissue, draw the necessary surgical incisions exactly before the operation and ensure that the incisions are as small and inconspicuous as possible during the surgical removal. Normal side effects of every surgery are bleeding, bruising and pain, which can be prevented by the administration of painkillers. In rare cases, blood clots form in the blood vessels after an operation, which can be prevented with compression stockings and medication.
Wound healing disorders are generally low in this region of the body. The risk of thromboses or embolisms is also minimal, as mobility is not restricted after the operation if only the upper arm is lifted. The seromas that occasionally form after removal of the wound drains can be punctured. The formation of “dog ears” (see above) is rare, occurs only occasionally with extensive surgical removal of excess skin and can also be corrected in this case on an outpatient basis. In general, an inconspicuous scar is formed. Only in the lower part towards the forearm is the scar occasionally somewhat widened or excessive, so that corrections may be necessary later.
Pre-existing conditions: In general, surgery is associated with a higher risk for patients with diabetes mellitus, lung, heart and circulatory diseases, as well as for patients with other pre-existing conditions such as allergies, rheumatic diseases or a tendency to infectious diseases and blood coagulation disorders. Obesity, cigarette smoking and taking the so-called contraceptive pill, but above all the combination of these factors, is also associated with an increased risk of thromboses and embolisms.
What kind of narcosis is used?
Depending on the extent of the operation, local or general anaesthesia is used. In any case, but especially if general anaesthesia is planned, you will be examined by an anaesthesiologist before the surgery to clarify your suitability for anaesthesia. Of course the anaesthesiologist is present during the entire operation and controls the narcosis.
For local anaesthesia you will be given a sedative by injection or tablet to put you into a kind of twilight sleep. This will keep you awake, but you will be completely relaxed and insensitive to pain. The only thing that may happen during the operation is that you may feel a pulling, plucking or drilling in the area of the procedure from time to time.
How does a treatment in the clinic of Dr. von Isenburg & Dr. Neuhann-Lorenz take place?
1 The personal counselling interview
In the first personal consultation, we discuss together with you the wishes and possibilities of having an upper arm lift. It has proven to be excellent preparation if you note down your wishes, expectations, reservations and fears beforehand – this guarantees a comprehensive and individual consultation.
Our specialists Dr von Isenburg or Dr Neuhann-Lorenz will try to clarify all potential problems in advance. If you still have unanswered questions after the consultation and before the procedure, don’t be afraid to ask by phone or at another preliminary consultation appointment!
2 Clarifying the risks
Generally speaking, an upper arm lift is an easy surgical procedure that usually runs completely smoothly. Precisely influencing pre-existing conditions are therefore clarified in advance. In addition, we ask you to sign a consent form before the procedure, which includes your name and date of birth, and in which the type of operation and all possible complications addressed are recorded. Your signature ensures that you have received the appropriate information and agree to the operation with knowledge of the risks.
3 The preparation & the treatment
You should be in as good an overall health condition as possible. Please keep nicotine and alcohol consumption to a minimum.
The incision for the upper arm lift is made on the inside of the upper arm. Before the operation, the exact incision is marked on the standing patient and with the arm raised by 90 degrees at the shoulder joint. In most cases, the incision is made on the inside of the upper arm from the armpit to the elbow in a spindle shape.
However, if the skin is particularly extensive, it may be necessary to extend the incision into the upper part of the forearm and to extend the incision backwards in an L-shape in the armpit. Once the skin incision has been made according to the marked incision line, all excess skin is removed. The edges of the incision are then readjusted accordingly. If necessary, liposuction is also necessary in the marginal areas to adjust the contour.
During the upper arm lift operation, the vessels and nerves in the upper arm are spared. The superficial connective tissue (fascia system) is used to suspend the remaining upper arm skin in the armpit area. This avoids wide scars and also tightens the arm skin towards the armpit. Subsequently, Redon drains are inserted into vacuum bottles to drain the wound secretion and an elastic bandage is applied for compression.
What should be considered after an Upper Arm Lift?
Directly after the surgery
After the surgery you will feel pain due to the tensed chest. Pain-relieving medication is usually provided. The drains inserted during the operation are usually removed on the first day after the procedure. The bandage will be removed in the following days.
A specially fitted bra will support your healing process over the next two to three weeks. Eight to ten days after the operation the skin thread is removed. Initially, the skin scar is reddened and firm; after a few months, the scar becomes paler and fades with the surrounding area.
Restrictions & recommendations
Approximately one to two weeks after the breast augmentation, you should plan for relaxation and little stress, as you will have limited energy. After that, we recommend that you gradually resume normal everyday activities, apart from individual circumstances. Although the success of the surgery is already evident shortly after the procedure, it will still take a few months before the final result is achieved. Only slowly the breast will soften.
Hyper- or hyposensitivity of the nipples may require protection of the nipples against touching in the first weeks. It can also take months before the usual feeling is achieved again. Scar care can be carried out with suitable ointments from the third week after the operation.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!