Breast Reduction – a topic that is often underestimated
As specialists and experts in plastic surgery, we offer the modelling of the desired body image through breast reduction. With more than 40 years of experience in this field, we focus on operative reduction. In contrast to breast augmentation, breast reduction is about reducing the mass of the breast. This may be necessary because otherwise physical damage and psychological problems may be caused.
In our surgical clinic in Munich we treat patients with breasts that are too large and use established surgical procedures to relieve them of their burden. At the beginning of the treatment we always start with an individual consultation in which we record the goals and wishes. In order for you to know a little better beforehand, we have compiled a comprehensive list of breast reduction options below.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!
Short info Breast Reduction in Munich
Operation duration
approx. 2 to 4 hours
general anaesthesia
Clinic stay
1 day
Appear in public
after 1 to 2 weeks
after 3 to 4 weeks
depending on the diagnosis from 7.000 €*
*bill according to scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ)
Breast Reduction – What is the problem?
Some women have relatively large breasts, by nature. Due to the size and weight of the breasts, there may be restrictions in movement and sports. As a result of overly large breasts, postural problems or tension in the shoulder and neck area as well as headaches can develop. Often women with too large breasts suffer from disorders of self-confidence and physical sensation, and psychological problems are not uncommon either.
The reduction of large breasts, called mammareductionplasty in the technical jargon, strives for the optimal reduction of the volume of the breast. The potentially possible result always depends on the initial size. Whether your wish can be realized, we will clarify in a personal conversation. Very often a breast reduction involves a lifting and a shift of the nipples into a new position. Besides the case of too large breasts, an asymmetry of the breasts – a strong inequality – can also be compensated.
The ability to breastfeed is sometimes limited by the breast reduction. When planning this operation, it may therefore make sense to postpone the operation to a later date if pregnancy is planned.
Your personal ideas and expectations
A breast reduction in our clinic in Munich can improve your appearance, strengthen your self-confidence and alleviate the complaints caused by size. However, for the success of the surgery it is important that you are clear about how you imagine the optimal result. You can use photos to demonstrate your personal wish. Women with realistic ideas and expectations have the best preconditions.
There are usually very personal reasons for a breast reduction. Your own satisfaction and the associated feeling of well-being should be the focus of the decision. An improvement of the external appearance can have a direct and indirect positive effect on the private and work life. Discuss your expectations of the operation, your wishes and ideas with us openly. After the examination, we will explain to you the appropriate surgical procedures according to the circumstances (skin texture, shape and size of the breast) and your wishes.
What are the risks of a Breast Reduction?
Breast reduction is not a simple operation, but generally associated with low risks. However, as with all surgical procedures, complications cannot be completely ruled out and are not always foreseeable in individual cases. The possible complications are best clarified in a personal consultation. As with any other surgery, bruising and swelling may occur. Only in rare cases do these have to be removed by a relieving operation, but usually these heal by themselves after a few days or weeks.
Rare complications also include wound infections and wound healing disorders. If the edges of the sutures are separated, they can lead to a later widening of the scars. Mostly factors play a role that are discussed in detail in the conversation before the operation, such as delayed healing in diabetics, smokers and patients with blood coagulation disorders. The delayed healing of the sutures usually does not affect the new breast shape. A possible widening of the scar can be compensated by a small correction at a later stage. Temporary numbness of the skin in the surgical area and the nipple may occur.
Sensitivity generally returns during the healing process. In individual cases, it is possible that the numbness in the area of the breasts or nipples does not completely disappear and permanent sensory disturbances may occur. All operations leave permanent, more or less visible scars. Scars will also remain after breast reduction surgery.
We will inform you about the course of the scars during the consultation. Both breasts are never completely symmetrical before and after an operation. The operation is intended to create the best possible symmetry. If the shape and size of your breasts or the position of the nipples are noticeably different after surgery, a later corrective procedure may be necessary.
Which anaesthesia is used for Breast Reduction?
Breast reductions are usually performed under general anaesthesia, so that you will sleep during the entire procedure. For this purpose, you will be examined by an anaesthesiologist before the surgery to clarify your suitability for anaesthesia. Individual concerns or fears will be cleared up in this conversation. The anaesthesiologist is present throughout the operation and controls the narcosis.
How does a Breast Reduction take place at Dr. von Isenburg & Dr. Neuhann-Lorenz?
1 Personal information
Prior to any medical treatment, our team provides the patient with comprehensive information about the planned procedure and its risks. It may be helpful for you to make a note of your questions in advance. At best, bring photos of your body so that we can discuss the possibilities together. Do not be afraid to ask anything that interests you. Find out, if necessary by telephone or at another preliminary meeting, if any problems have remained open.
The declaration of consent as a result of the interview documents your personal details and, if necessary, those of your parent or guardian if you have not yet reached the age of majority. The declaration also contains the type of treatment and any complications mentioned. The signature guarantees that you have received the appropriate information and that you agree to your treatment with knowledge of the general and specific risks.
2 Preparation for treatment
Depending on your age and your family risk, we may ask you to have a mammography before the operation to exclude lumps in the breasts. You should be in as good a state of health as possible before a planned surgical procedure. Please limit the consumption of alcohol and nicotine to a minimum.
Smoking in particular has been proven to worsen the microcirculation of the surgical area. For this reason it is recommended to avoid smoking two weeks before and two weeks after the surgery. The intake of hormone-containing medication (contraceptive pill, hormone replacement products) may have to be stopped temporarily. Under no circumstances should you take aspirin or medicines containing acetylsalicylic acid at least 14 days before the operation.
3 Process of the surgery
A Breast Reduction usually takes between two to three hours. The techniques can vary. For the most commonly used method, the removal of excess glandular and fatty tissue in the lower breast area is combined with an upward displacement of the nipple and possibly a reduction of the nipple. In some cases, Breast Reduction is combined with liposuction in the breast area. Different techniques are used depending on the size of the breast. These different techniques are mainly noticeable for you in the different resulting scars. These can proceed as follows:
Normally the incision is made around the nipple and then vertically downwards. The resulting scar runs around the nipple and directly down.
In rare cases, the incision must be made around the nipple and then vertically downwards with a final T-cut.
What should be considered after a Breast Reduction?
Directly after the surgery
Your breasts will be sensitive and swollen in the first few days. Cooling measures can help to reduce the swelling in the first few days. Mild pain in the wound area is normal and can usually be easily relieved by medication. Please take your medication exactly as instructed. In case of sudden pain, bleeding or sensory disturbances, please speak to us immediately.
Please also contact us immediately in case of any other uncertainties. The healing process is checked at regular intervals. The drains are removed within the first days after the operation. The skin threads are usually removed after 2 weeks. After a few days the bandages can be removed.
Restrictions & recommendations
It is recommended to wear the prescribed tight, supporting bra for the first 3-6 weeks after the surgery to reduce the swelling in the breast and for undisturbed healing. Bruising and swelling mostly disappear within the first two weeks. In some patients, the swelling may take longer to subside and a slight tendency to swelling may persist for several months, especially in warm weather.
Strenuous activities should be avoided in the first weeks after the procedure. You should absolutely avoid lifting heavy objects or lifting your arms above shoulder height for the first 3 to 4 weeks.
Important to consider!
Reduce your nicotine and alcohol consumption to a minimum also postoperatively and avoid sauna and steam bath visits for a few months! The scars will appear reddish and clearly visible for several months. After that they will gradually become paler and more inconspicuous. Scar maturation can be supported by suitable scar gels and possibly lymph drainage. To avoid pigment changes, you should not expose the scars to the sun for at least 6 months.
Important – the correct body hygiene!
After removal of the wound drainages, you can take a shower; warm full baths in the area of the wound area should be avoided for several weeks. Which skin care you use should be discussed in each individual case. It may be advisable to use appropriately effective ointments or creams in case of swelling or bruising.
When are the first results visible?
After a few days you can get a first impression of the new shape of your breasts, but they are often still very swollen. Usually you have to wait a few weeks to be able to judge the result well. The final result will be visible after three to six months. We will do our best to make the resulting scars as narrow and unobtrusive as possible. However, scars cannot be made invisible, they can be red and bulging at the beginning, later pale and narrow. Our modern surgical procedures usually achieve an inconspicuous placement of the scars, so that you can also wear deep neckline dresses.
In some cases, the result of the operation can be improved by a scar correction after six to twelve months. Breast reduction leads to an enormous change in your appearance and body image. After breast reduction, women experience greater pleasure in, for example, sports activities. Most women are very satisfied with the result of their operation and enjoy their new appearance. Especially if your expectations before the operation were within the range of what was realistically possible and the operation went without any problems, you will now be able to enjoy a successful result.
The costs of a Breast Reduction in Munich?
Breast reduction can be paid for by the health insurance company in the case of very large and heavy breasts or in the case of clear inequality (asymmetry). In this case, however, the health insurance company must provide a declaration of cost absorption. The exact amount of the costs of a breast reduction can only be precisely determined in each individual case and will be calculated together with you during the preparatory discussions.
Where in Munich does the surgery take place?
As a rule, a short inpatient stay at our clinic in Munich is advisable, especially if previous illnesses require medical supervision. In some cases, the operation can also be carried out outpatiently, whereby you must take a postoperative rest period, but are then allowed to go home. Under no circumstances, however, should you plan to drive yourself. If you have any questions about the procedure for an ear correction – do not hesitate to contact us.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!