The duration of the liposuction depends on the extent and number of fat pads to be removed. The form of anaesthesia chosen and the surgical technique used is also important for the duration of the operation. For example, liposuction of fat on hips and thighs takes about one to one and a half hours with average findings.
Liposuction; utilise it elsewhere – our premise
Liposuction is one of the most booked treatments in our clinic in Munich. As specialists with more than 40 years of experience you can trust us with your treatment. In our clinic in Munich, we use the most modern methods of liposuction to combat unwanted fat depositions.
As specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery, we will be happy to advise you on how to optimally combine the results of liposuction with treatments for skin lifting on the body, breast lifting or abdominoplasty. We are happy to use procedures that use your own fat. The patient’s own fat could also be used for injections for some other treatments.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!
Short info Liposuction
Operation duration
approx. 1.5 hours
twilight sleep, local or general anaesthesia
Clinic stay
outpatient or inpatient
Appear in public
after approx. 5 days
after approx. 6 weeks
depending on the diagnosis different*
*bill according to scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ)
Typical problems that make a liposuction necessary
Persistent fat pads, which are not accessible to dieting or specific gymnastics, occur in many women and also men. They can be found anywhere on the body, especially on the upper arms, face and neck, hips, buttocks and abdomen, or around the thighs. The phenomenon of the so-called “riding breeches deformity” with excess fat deposits on hips and thighs, usually in connection with unsightly dents of the skin, is generally known.
In some cases, the excess fat deposits under the skin can lead to a reduction in skin circulation, and in the case of a massive occurrence can even stretch the epidermis to such an extent that permanent stretch marks are formed. The irregular contours, e.g. of the hips and thighs when riding breeches are found or even padding on the cheeks, chin and neck can be very disturbing, especially for people who are otherwise satisfied with their figure and appearance. Liposuction in our clinic in Munich can help to regain the desired shape.
What can a Liposuction change?
A tight figure, naturally well defined in its contours, is rare. Many people therefore do sport, watch their weight and, if necessary, go on a diet to lose weight. This improves posture, the body becomes firmer and more elastic.
Despite a balanced diet, exercise and connective tissue treatments, disturbing padding often persists. With an otherwise slim figure, such bulges are perceived as particularly unpleasant. It is precisely here that targeted, careful suctioning of the subcutaneous fat can improve or eliminate the problem. The slimmer someone is, the more circumscribed the fat pads are, the better the result of the liposuction.
The condition of the skin before the procedure plays an important role. Ideally, the skin should be firm and elastic in order to be able to put on well after the liposuction. However, aspiration lipectomy, i.e. liposuction, is not a substitute for weight reduction through diet and exercise, but serves to improve the contouring of the figure by locally removing persistent fat deposits.
Your personal ideas and expectations
It is important for the success of the operation that you look at your figure as objectively as possible and that you are clear about the individual details that bother you. The surgical removal of excess fat deposits can specifically remove clearly defined cushions. In our consultation hours we will advise you on liposuction and discuss together how we can achieve your optimal result.
The personal reasons for an aspiration lipectomy are manifold. For some professions appearance is more important than for others. In any case, however, personal well-being should be the main focus. An improvement in appearance can have a positive effect on both professional and private life. These effects should neither be overestimated nor underestimated.
Which risks does a Liposuction have?
In general, surgeries to remove fatty tissue by suction are associated with a particularly low risk. However, complications can never be completely ruled out and cannot be foreseen in individual cases. For example, the extent and duration of swelling and bruising that can be expected after liposuction vary greatly from person to person.
Infections of the wound area are very rare, but with appropriate treatment they do not necessarily worsen the result. Wound healing disorders are equally rare, although factors that are discussed in detail in the discussion before the operation usually play a role, such as delayed healing in diabetics, smokers and patients with blood coagulation disorders. Temporary numbness of the skin in the surgical area may occur, which is caused by the cutting of the finest skin nerves. In the course of healing, sensitivity generally returns to its full extent.
Which narcosis is used during a Liposuction?
Depending on the extent of the operation, liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthesia. With local anaesthesia, you will be given a sedative beforehand (either as a tablet or as an intravenous injection into the arm vein), which puts you into a kind of twilight sleep. You are thus awake, but relaxed and insensitive to pain. The only thing that may happen during the surgery is that you may occasionally feel a pulling, plucking or drilling in the area of the procedure.
In any case, but especially if a general anaesthetic is planned, you will be examined by an anaesthesiologist before the operation to clarify your suitability for anaesthesia. Of course, the anaesthesiologist will be present during the entire surgery and will control the anaesthesia.
How does the Liposuction take place in the clinic of Dr. von Isenburg & Dr. Neuhann-Lorenz?
1 Personal information
Prior to every surgery, a comprehensive explanation by our renowned specialists for plastic and aesthetic surgery is provided. During liposuction, the patient’s own fat is removed – which can be used for other beauty-promoting procedures. We are happy to advise you about the potential, your wishes and also your ideas. For this purpose, it has proven to be very useful if you note down questions, fears or plans for your own appearance beforehand. This will enable us to better understand and fulfil your needs.
Do not be afraid to ask anything that interests you. It is not important to clarify everything immediately, we are also available for a further conversation or telephone enquiries.
Before the liposuction, you will sign a declaration of consent. In this document, in addition to your personal details, the type of procedure and the potential complications discussed previously will be recorded. Your signature ensures that you have received the appropriate information and that you agree with the treatment while being aware of the risks.
2 Preparation for treatment
If you decide to have an aspiration lipectomy, you should free yourself from all professional and private obligations for about one week afterwards. How long you need in each individual case depends on the type and extent of the procedure.
If you enjoy the advantage of having someone to look after you after your operation, please discuss the chapter Postoperative advice with this person in particular. It is advisable not to do too much work in the days immediately before the operation, so that you can approach it in a mentally and physically rested state. If you have any questions or doubts in the period before the surgery, please call your surgeon.
3 Process of the surgery
Which different techniques of Liposuction exist?
The basic technique of liposuction is applied to all patients. However, since the technique has been developed and refined over time, there are several variations. We select the technique that is best for you with regard to your individual requirements.
The most common technique is the so-called fluid injection. Here, a sterile solution is injected into the tissue before we suck out the fat. The fluid makes it easier to remove the fat cells, reduces blood loss and provides additional local anaesthetic during and after the operation. It also reduces the formation of postoperative bruising.
The tumescent technique involves the introduction of large amounts of liquid, sometimes three times as much as the amount of fat to be removed. Typically, this technique is applied to patients under local anaesthesia and takes much longer than traditional liposuction. If the amount of liquid can contain enough anaesthetic, an additional anaesthetic is not necessary.
The super wet technique is similar to the tumescent technique, but usually less liquid is used – the amount is usually equal to the amount of fat removed. This technique should be performed under general anaesthesia or at least with the use of intravenous sedatives and usually takes one to two hours.
Ultrasound-assisted aspiration lipectomy (UAL) uses a special cannula. It emits ultrasound and liquefies the local fatty tissue.
The liquefied fat is then aspirated as in the traditional technique. UAL is used to remove fat from areas with a lot of connective tissue, such as upper back liposuction or male breasts. UAL can also be advantageous for second operations. The performance of UAL usually takes considerably longer than the traditional technique.
The Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) or vibration method uses vibration impulses to break up the fat cells. The liquefied fat cells are then suctioned off. PAL is increasingly used in areas with a lot of connective tissue to technically facilitate the suction process.
What should be considered after a Liposuction?
Directly after the surgery
Ice packs help reduce swelling in the first few days, but they should never be placed directly on the skin. Tight-fitting elastic clothing (e.g. a kind of bodice on the hip) is essential to reduce postoperative swelling and bruising. It promotes optimal adaptation of the skin to the new contours. It should be discussed in each individual case how long the compression clothing is required, usually up to six weeks.
Restrictions & recommendations
Mild pain, a burning sensation and temporary numbness of the skin in the wound area are normal for a few days after the operation. You can take medication against the pain as directed. In case of sudden pain, bleeding, and sensory disturbances, please talk to us immediately. Please also contact us immediately in case of any other uncertainties.
Important to consider!
We also provide comprehensive care after the operation and regularly monitor the healing process. The stitches of the skin sutures are removed after about ten days.
You may get up and walk around as soon as possible. This can reduce the postoperative swelling and prevent the development of venous thrombosis. You should avoid strenuous activities in the first four weeks. From when you can go back to work depends, of course, on the type of activity you are doing.
Body hygiene; Body feeling
Showering is ideal, whereby the sutured areas should not come into contact with water. Warm full baths in the area of the wound area should be avoided for several weeks. Which skin care products you use should be discussed in each individual case. It may be advisable to use appropriately effective ointments or creams in case of swelling or bruising. Anti-cellulite creams should not be applied directly to the incision sites until complete healing is achieved.
Immediately and up to one week after the operation you will even notice an increase in weight caused by the swelling fluid in the suctioned areas. After about a week, however, the normal weight is reached again if you consistently wear the compression clothing. Bruises and swellings mostly disappear within the first two weeks. In some patients the swelling may take longer to subside, and a slight tendency to swelling, especially in warm weather, may persist for several months.
Does the Liposuction take place in the clinic in Munich?
Liposuction procedures are performed on an inpatient or outpatient basis, depending on the findings and in accordance with your wishes. During an outpatient operation you will have a post-operative resting period, but then you may go home. Under no circumstances should you drive a car yourself. You can also be treated as an inpatient in our clinic for one or more days. This is useful for major operations or if you have previous illnesses that require regular medical care.
Can a Liposuction be repeated?
Renewed liposuction is usually also possible in an area where liposuction has already been performed, but it is rarely necessary. If you wish to correct a recent operation, it is advisable to wait for the final effect of the first operation (six months to a year) before a new corrective operation is performed.
What does the Specialist-Liposuction in Munich cost?
Liposuction is a surgery that is usually used to improve the external appearance. Therefore, the costs are usually not covered by health insurance companies. Your doctor will be happy to help your insurance company to show you the possible improvement in case of clear functional impairment.
However, you should not put too much hope in the participation of your health insurance. Please understand, however, that doctors must reject any attempt to issue a medically unjustified certificate of a functional disorder in the presence of a purely cosmetic change for ethical reasons from the outset. Please speak to your tax consultant about a possible tax claim for your operation costs.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!