With increasing age, patients often complain about the appearance of wrinkles and loss of skin elasticity. This is often accompanied by less glowing, shine and firmness. Spotty discolorations such as age spots also occur more frequently, which impairs the evenness and flawlessness of the skin’s appearance. The face appears more tired and sallow, and thus does not or only insufficiently reflect the still blooming, inner state.
The mentioned changes affect the so-called epidermis and dermis, so the layers above the subcutaneous fat tissue. However, superficial scarring, such as acne scars, can also cause an unpleasant unevenness of the skin. This is precisely where our innovative solution with the CO2 laser can have outstanding success.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!
Short info about laser treatment
Operation duration
approx. 1 hours
local anaesthesia or twilight sleep
Clinic stay
Appear in public
after approx. 7 days
after approx. 2 weeks
*bill according to scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ)
The solution for Skin Rejuvenation
In our clinic we offer you the most innovative technology of non-invasive skin rejuvenation: The ultra-pulsed, fractionated CO2-laser Encore®. The uppermost sagging and light-damaged skin layer is removed by vaporization. At the same time, the deeper skin layer is tightened by contractions of the elastic collagen fibers. The skin is thus visibly rejuvenated and smoothened. In comparison to earlier laser techniques, swelling and redness occur only slightly with this effective and particularly gentle procedure.
Furthermore, the procedure is less painful and less risky than comparable techniques. With its special setting (non-ablative), it also makes it possible, in addition to treating the skin, to improve deeper swellings in the tissue. This includes the otherwise difficult to treat zygomatic swellings in the cheek area (malar bags). In most cases, one session is sufficient to treat various problems.
Ablative and non-ablative laser treatment – what is that?
In the so-called ablative, fractionated, ultra-pulsed CO2 laser treatment (in active fx® mode), individual affected zones are defined according to the aesthetic unit. A rejuvenating treatment (wrinkle therapy) usually is performed on both halves of the face. When treating age spots, the affected areas can also be treated on one side only.
For the treatment of the deeper tissue layers, the so-called non-ablative, ultra pulsed, fractionated CO2 laser treatment (in deep fx® mode) can usually be applied to both halves of the face. A superficial tightening of the skin or a deeper tissue tightening (as well as the treatment of age spots and/or incorrect pigmentation) can be performed individually or in combination.
What can you expect from a laser treatment?
The goal of treatment with the ultra-pulsed, fractionated CO2 laser Encore® is a significant rejuvenation, smoothening and refreshing of the skin, especially on the face. The face is given back its youthful appearance, fresh shine and glow.
By restoring the even skin surface, the skin appears less worn out or tired. Deep wrinkles and soft tissue flaccidity can be reduced by this treatment. If the soft tissues of your face show more severe signs of slackening, laser treatment cannot replace a facelift.
Are there any risks?
After the laser treatment, temporary swelling and redness occur, which disappears after a few days. In rare cases, these symptoms can last longer than a week. The appearance of milia – for example around the eye area -, skin dryness or skin discoloration may occur occasionally. Scarring due to wound infection cannot be completely ruled out but is extremely rare.
What kind of narcosis is used?
Usually laser treatments are performed under local anaesthesia and sedation. An anaesthesiologist will assess your state of health immediately before the procedure. You will then be given a sedative (either in the form of a tablet or intravenous injection) which will put you into a kind of twilight sleep. You are thus awake, but relaxed and insensitive to pain.
The only thing that may happen is that you may feel a pulling or plucking sensation from time to time during the surgery. If a general anaesthesia is planned, the anaesthesiologist will also clarify your suitability for anaesthesia before the procedure. Irrespective of the type of anaesthesia, you will be fully supervised by the anaesthesiologist throughout the whole surgery.
How does a treatment in the clinic of Dr. von Isenburg & Dr. Neuhann-Lorenz take place?
1 Personal information
Before every surgery you will be comprehensively informed by our team. It can be helpful to have noted down some questions beforehand. Do not hesitate to ask us anything that interests you. Feel free to ask questions, if necessary over the phone, at a later date or at another preliminary meeting, if problems have not been clarified from your point of view or have only arisen in the course of time.
The declaration of consent is a document in which your name and date of birth, the type of surgery and all possible complications mentioned are recorded. Your signature guarantees that you have received the appropriate information and that you agree to the operation with knowledge of the risks.
2 Preparation for treatment
Especially before an operation you should be in the best possible health condition. Please limit your nicotine and alcohol consumption to a minimum. Under no circumstances should you take aspirin or similar medication in the seven days before the surgery, because of its inhibiting effect on blood clotting.
3 Process of the surgery
Before the operation we mark the areas to be treated together with you. Afterwards a strong, anaesthetic ointment is applied. In the operating room, the laser treatment is carried out under local or block anaesthesia and light twilight sleep under sterile conditions with all laser protection measures (also: eye protection).
In most cases you will not feel anything at all, an occasional slight burning sensation is rare. Depending on the problem, the top layer of skin is now removed by evaporation. Deeper tissue swellings are tightened by contractions of the elastic collagen fibres.
What should be considered after a Skin Rejuvenation?
Directly after the surgery
In the first few hours after the laser treatment, redness and swelling of the skin can be expected for a short time. In the region of the lasered skin areas, foil bandages are applied to protect your skin and reduce pulling and tightening. These foil bandages are usually used for 5 days and are changed by us during the postoperative treatment.
Restrictions & recommendations
The lasered areas should be protected from friction and contamination. Any compresses over the eyes can be removed after two hours or immediately if they become unpleasant.
You should then carefully apply the provided ice goggles to new compresses and change them every hour. Please take the prescribed medication as instructed. Sport is not allowed before at least two weeks have elapsed.
Important to consider!
Put on the ice goggles as often as possible in the first three days after the surgery. After removing the films, use the antibiotic cream prescribed by us to prevent germs from entering the skin.
For the first 14 days after the procedure, leave your eyelids alone, do not move them and sleep as much as possible. Reading and watching television is allowed in moderation after two days.
Recommendations for personal hygiene
The day after the surgery you may bathe or shower, but carefully protect the lasered region. Protect yourself from excessive sunlight and use strong sun blocker. What applies to your skin in general is especially important after a laser treatment. Your rejuvenated skin deserves special protection.
Eye make-up is allowed two days after removal of the foils, when the skin surface is closed. Be careful not to irritate the lasered skin and carefully remove the make-up with dabbing movements. Do not use perfumed products and use baby oil to remove make-up.
Where does the surgery take place?
A laser treatment is usually performed in the rooms of the outpatient day clinic of the Iatros clinic in the center of Munich. It can either be carried out outpatiently or be combined with a short inpatient stay in the hospital. This depends on the extent of the planned surgery. In the case of inpatient monitoring, safe postoperative care by trained personnel is also guaranteed.
What does a laser treatment cost?
A laser treatment is a classic surgery to improve the external appearance. Such operations are usually not covered by health insurance companies. We would be happy to help you present and explain any functional improvements to your insurance company. Nevertheless, you should not put too much hope in a participation of the health insurance.
Please note that we cannot certify a “cosmetic change” as a purely medical treatment of a functional disorder. Please discuss the tax deductibility of your surgery costs with your tax consultant.
Can a laser treatment be repeated?
A second laser treatment is usually possible after a few years, if the effect of the first operation has diminished, but often no longer necessary. However, if you wish to correct a recent surgery, it is usually advisable to wait for the end effect of the first procedure (about six months) before a follow-up operation is performed.
Please book an appointment by phone (+49-89-348123)directly in our online calendar.