We treat your wrinkles – professionally and long-lasting
In our doctor’s office for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Munich, we offer different methods of treating wrinkles or making your face look younger. There are many uncertainties and fears when it comes to wrinkle treatments. With us, you are in safe hands. We offer you the individual treatment that fits your needs. Wrinkle treatments can be combined with a facelift, an eyelid lift and an ultra-modern laser treatment in our doctor’s office in Munich.
Which treatment fits your needs best will be discussed during a detailed preliminary. We have put together this article so can inform yourself about the different treatments, materials and techniques.
Book an appointment by phone (+49-89-348123) or use our online calendar.
OP duration
1 to 2 minutes per syringe
Clinic stay
none – outpatient
Fit for society
after approx. 1 week
from € 1,000 *
*Billing according to the GOÄ fee schedule
Wrinkle treatment – typical problems and their solution
When do we apply skin-tightening treatments in our doctor’s office for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Munich? Different factors cause the facial skin to become slack and wrinkled. Gravity, sunlight and facial expressions (laughing, frowning etc.) leave their marks as time goes by.
At the same time, the skin loses its juvenal elasticity and ability to regenerate itself, thus cosmetic treatments have less of an effect. Crow’s feet, laugh wrinkles, furrows on the cheeks and on the forehead appear. One’s genetic disposition and lifestyle play a major role with regard to the development of wrinkles. Also, persons with distinct facial expressions will see an earlier development of wrinkles, e.g. horizontal lines on the forehead from frowning.
Due to a thinner subcutaneous fat tissue and often enough diminishing jaw bones, the lips lose their volume and look less full.
How long do wrinkle treatments last?
That depens on the method as well as on the components of the anti-wrinkle injection.
Non-durable materials
Hyaluronic acid is a component of the human connective tissue and occurs naturally in the skin, among other places. Genuine allergies are not known due to its chemical properties and origin. Depending on the type and depth of the wrinkle formations, various specially suitable hyaluronic acid products are used. Treatment with hyaluronic acid is currently the most frequently used method of wrinkle injections and lip augmentation. The normal duration of effect is 6 to 12 months.
Preparations based on butolinum toxins (BTX) use the relaxing effect of BTX. Used in a highly diluted form and in minimal quantities, narrowly defined areas of the facial muscles are specifically influenced. The skin, which is less stressed due to the reduced muscle activity, and the underlying connective tissue can recover and regenerate. The effect is achieved without damaging muscles or nerves or impairing the sensitivity of the skin or the sense of touch. The normal duration of action is 4 to 6 months.
Durable materials
Autologous fat for wrinkle injections is usually taken from the abdomen, thighs, inner knee or other parts of the patient’s body via liposuction.
We use the body’s own fatty tissue especially for the augmentation of lips and sunken cheeks, the correction of laugh lines in the lower facial area, for filling skin depressions or for scar corrections. Wherever a larger amount of injectable material is required, autologous fat can be usefully applied.
Artefill® is a collagen-based preparation containing up to 25 percent finest plastic particles. When injected into the deeper layer of the skin, it triggers the body’s own reaction to build up its own tissue – comparable to an internal, externally invisible scar. The collagen injected at the same time is absorbed step by step. The final result is that the wrinkle is filled with the patient’s own tissue.
Innovation EmaCure®
Dr. von Isenburg’s own development
We are also happy to recommend an innovation in the field of rejuvenation with the body’s own substances. The filler EmaCure® is made from the patient’s own blood. Key to the process is the ingredient HYPPP® (Hypoxia Preconditioned Plasma). This is cell-free plasma that is extracted from the patient’s own blood. After the procedure, the filler then contains an optimised composition of regenerative factors that lead to the rejuvenation and regeneration of their skin.
What is to expect from an Wrinkle Treatment in Munich?
When the skin slackens, wrinkles appear on the face. The facial features appear aged and somewhat sluggish. This can be in strong contradiction to the inner, energetic attitude to life. Unfortunately, this attitude is not visible at first contact – only youth and freshness count there. Treatment with fillers can restore a fresher, more youthful skin appearance for a certain period of time. By injecting them under the skin, sunken areas of the face and wrinkles are lifted.
Wrinkle injections are primarily used to improve the texture, the tangible and visible condition of the skin. Wrinkles and folds as well as certain scars can be treated. In addition, with the method of autologous fat injection, it is possible to help narrow lips or cheeks achieve a plumper, more beautiful shape by suctioning out the body’s own fat tissue elsewhere and injecting it in the desired place.
Wrinkle injection is particularly suitable for the treatment of mimic and dynamic wrinkles, as the various muscle groups can be specifically blocked. Muscle contractions are reduced, which leads to a relaxation of the deeper lying muscles. The mode of action is also predestined for the treatment of wrinkles caused by unconscious muscle contractions. This type of wrinkle treatment is increasingly used in the upper third of the face, but can also be injected in the area of the nose and mouth.
What are the boundaries of a Wrinkle Treatment?
The effect of wrinkle treatments has a time limit. Besides the purely material differences, the reasons lie in individual characteristics of the patients, such as age, skin quality, disposition and lifestyle. Even the permanent materials cannot and should not reverse the natural progression of the ageing process.
The limits of the aforementioned therapy methods lie, for example, in the findings of the numerous superficial wrinkles around the mouth. Here, modern laser treatments can be used to rejuvenate the skin. Such techniques achieve a smoother skin appearance by shrinking the skin in depth and on the surface. In the case of advanced wrinkle depth and sagging of the skin on the face, the effect of injection treatment alone may not be sufficient, so that a combination with a facelift, forehead lift or eyelid lift, for example, would be advisable. In our practice for plastic and aesthetic surgery in Munich, we will work with you to find the optimal therapy method for you in an in-depth medical consultation.
What risks does an injection treatment have?
If the injection treatment is carried out by a specialist, complications are usually minor and only very rarely to be expected. In individual cases, however, the risk cannot always be accurately predicted.
Allergic reactions could rarely occur when using substances containing collagen. To find out if you are allergic to collagen, a test can be done about a month before the treatment. The reaction must be closely observed in the following weeks. If any signs appear, such as redness, itching, swelling or other symptoms, inform our practice immediately. Rare skin infections are also possible, but they do not necessarily worsen the result if treated appropriately. Factors such as diabetes, blood clotting disorders, a tendency to skin blemishes or smoking usually play a role here. These risk factors are clarified in advance during the consultation.
Hyaluronic acid-containing substances also very rarely lead to pronounced swelling and occasionally to longer-lasting redness – but in any case, like all complications with degradable injectables, these are also temporary. Injection of wrinkles can cause a temporary weakening of the muscle pulls that create a wrinkle. Paralysis of facial muscles that should not be paralysed is also possible – the most common symptoms are a drooping upper eyelid or eyebrow asymmetries.
No allergic reactions are to be expected with autologous fat injections, as it is the body’s own material. Risks are very rare, but longer-lasting bruising and associated blue discolouration and swelling in the treated areas are more common.
Artefill®, a permanent injectable, can lead to the formation of nodules in very rare cases, but these are easily treatable depending on their nature and extent. The desired result can usually be achieved without complications if our advice is followed conscientiously.
What kind of narcosis is used?
Some injectables, such as collagen, already have the local anaesthetic mixed into the syringe, so there is usually no need to use any further pain relief. With most other injectables, or if you are particularly sensitive to pain and/or are about to have a very extensive treatment, additional anaesthetic creams are regularly used and also recommended by us. Furthermore, it is possible to precede local pain relief by injecting local anaesthetics or to carry out the treatment under light sedation.
Fat injection therapy requires local anaesthesia of both the donor and recipient areas. It may be advisable to use light sedation in addition for larger procedures.
What is the procedure for wrinkle treatment in the practice of Drs. von Isenburg & Neuhann-Lorenz?
1 The personal counselling interview
It is important for the success of your treatment that you look at yourself as thoroughly as possible and become clear exactly about the individual changes that bother you. The personal reasons for choosing aesthetic plastic therapy are just as important to us as the actual changes. An improvement in your outer appearance can have a positive effect on your professional and private life. These effects should neither be overestimated nor underestimated.
We always start a treatment with a detailed conversation. Please talk openly about your expectations, wishes and ideas regarding the possible changes through the injection therapy. This is the only way to find the best individual therapy. It is advantageous if you can show us your wishes with the help of a recent photograph. Based on this, we can also better explain to you what can be implemented.
2 Clarifying the risks
A crucial point for us is comprehensive information and counselling. Dr. von Isenburg, Dr. Neuhann-Lorenz and Dr. Haas try to solve problems in advance on the one hand and alleviate fears on the other. All the key data about the operation and your personal details are then recorded in the consent form. Particularly important for you: the specification of the type of operation and documentation of all potential complications mentioned. Your signature on the declaration guarantees that you have received the appropriate information from our team and that you agree to the operation with knowledge of the risks.
3 The preparation & the treatment
Normally, you do not need any special preparation for the injection therapy. Depending on the extent of the planned treatment, you can immediately go about your usual activities. In the case of extensive treatments, however, you should reduce your professional and private activities to a minimum for a few days after the injection therapy. On the day immediately before the treatment and on the day of the treatment itself, it is advisable not to take on too much. A rested patient is the best basis for an optimal result.
Outpatient treatment usually takes place in our practice in the heart of Munich at Marienhof. If injection therapy is planned in connection with a forehead or face lift or other operations, it can of course also take place in a clinic.
What is to consider after a Wrinkle Treatment?
Directly after the procedure
Immediately after the treatment, there may be a slight stinging or pulsating of the treated regions. Sometimes there is slight swelling, occasionally minor bruising, which usually disappears within a few days. Any redness usually disappears within the first 24 hours. In isolated cases, especially in very fair-skinned people, redness can sometimes last for a week.Tiny crusts may form over the injection sites, which heal in a few days. A small bandage for 24 hours may occasionally be useful to hold the preparation in place and reduce facial expression. When using fatty tissue, the aforementioned phenomena such as swelling, redness, small bruises, can of course also occur at the removal site.
Consider in the first weeks
You should avoid the sun for a few days and use a good sunscreen afterwards. If you have chosen sedation, you should not drive yourself afterwards.
If you are planning a very extensive treatment, you should take it easy and rest for a few days afterwards. In case of sudden pain or other symptoms, please contact us immediately.
Consider in the first weeks
You should avoid the sun for a few days and use a good sunscreen afterwards. If you have chosen sedation, you should not drive yourself afterwards.
If you are planning a very extensive treatment, you should take it easy and rest for a few days afterwards. In case of sudden pain or other symptoms, please contact us immediately.
Can a Wrinkle Treatment be repeated?
In principle, a wrinkle treatment can be repeated without problems after the effective period has expired. Some patients deliberately choose the option of repeated touch-ups at shorter intervals.
The costs
A face lift is an operation that usually serves to improve the outer appearance. Therefore, the costs are usually not covered by health insurance.
We are happy to help you present the possible improvement to your insurance company in the case of a clear functional impairment. You can only count on the participation of the health insurance if there is a functional disorder, which is only very rarely the case.
Where does the Wrinkle Treatment in Munich take place?
Most treatments are performed on an outpatient basis in our practice in Munich at the Marienhof. In the case of more complex techniques, such as lipofillin, or combination procedures, the interventions can take place in one of our affiliated clinics. We will be happy to discuss more details during our initial appointment.
Please feel free to make an appointment by phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online calendar.