The surgery usually takes up to one and a half hours, in individual cases even longer. Increased breast gland tissue is surgically removed. This excision can be performed alone or in combination with liposuction. Through small skin incisions at the edge or across the nipple, the excess breast gland tissue is removed together with excess fat and skin.
Specialists in the center of Munich
In our clinic for aesthetic and plastic surgery we treat men and women who want to look better. The appearance of enlarged breasts (gynecomastia) is a male problem and can be remedied with a male breast correction.
We will be happy to advise you on the surgical options for a reduction and the restoration of a masculine figure – if necessary, also in combination with an abdominal reduction or liposuction. The following information does not replace a consultation, but serves only as an initial orientation.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!
Short info Breast Correction for men
Operation duration
approx. 1 to 1.5 hours
local or general anaesthesia
Clinic stay
Appear in public
after approx. 1 to 2 days
after approx. 3 to 4 weeks
depending on the diagnosis from 3,000 €*
*bill according to scale of fees for doctors (GOÄ)
Typical problems
In gynecomastia the male mammary gland is enlarged similar to a female breast. Usually the change is bilateral, but it can also be unilateral. In adolescence, during puberty, gynecomastia is found in many boys and is not pathological. It affects almost every second adolescent. Mostly a spontaneous, complete regression of puberty gynecomastia takes place.
Gynecomastia also occurs very frequently in adult men. The cause often remains unclear. Possible reasons are an altered liver function, the intake of estrogen-containing medication, which causes the balance between male and female hormones to become unbalanced. In individual, rare cases a tumour can cause gynecomastia.
If the patient is seriously overweight, dietary and sports measures should be taken before an operation to reduce weight with a possible reduction in gynecomastia. If the gynecomastia is the result of excessive alcohol or marijuana consumption or the use of anabolic steroids to change the figure, a change in the causative behaviour is also advisable.
Your new look
With the right indication and realistic expectations, most patients are very satisfied and happy with the masculine breast contour as a result of the surgery. The good result is generally permanent. The improvement of the external appearance also contributes to increased self-satisfaction and increased self-esteem.
What are the risks of a male Breast Correction?
Overall, the surgical correction of gynecomastia is a low-complication procedure with a high degree of efficiency and safety. Nevertheless, there are general risks associated with every surgery, which are caused by the operation itself, and specific complications associated with the peculiarity of the operation.
In individual cases, despite the most careful surgical technique, scars, changes in the colour of the skin in the operated area and relief deformations of the breast or even distortion of the nipples may occur. Corrective surgery can usually compensate for these undesirable changes.
What kind of narcosis is used?
Minor surgical corrections can be performed under local anaesthesia with injection of local anaesthetics. A general anaesthetic may be necessary for more extensive operations. If local anaesthesia is used, a sedative is also given, which causes a kind of twilight sleep.
You are awake, but relaxed and insensitive to pain. You may feel a pulling or similar sensation in the operating area. With a general anaesthetic you will sleep throughout the operation. Before the operation, an anaesthesiologist clarifies your suitability for anaesthesia. The anaesthesiologist is present during the entire surgery and controls the narcosis.
What is the procedure for a breast lift in the practice of Dr von Isenburg & Dr Neuhann-Lorenz?
1 The personal information
Before any medical treatment, the patient is fully informed by our team about the planned procedure and its risks. It can be helpful to write down your questions beforehand. Do not be afraid to ask anything that interests you. Find out, if necessary by telephone or at a further preliminary appointment, if any problems remain unresolved.
The consent form documents the name and date of birth of the patient (as well as the legal guardian if the age of majority has not yet been reached), type of treatment and any complications addressed. Your signature ensures that you have received the appropriate information and consent to your or your child’s treatment, knowing the general and specific risks.
2 Preparation for treatment
You should be in optimal overall health, especially before a planned surgical procedure. Please limit nicotine and alcohol consumption to a minimum. Take medication regularly, discuss the intake in detail with your surgeon. In addition, you should not take aspirin or aspirin-like medications for at least seven days before the operation.
3 Procedure of the operation
What should be considered after a breast surgery as a male?
Directly after the surgery
Mild pain and a pulling in the wound area are normal in the first days after the operation. However, postoperative complaints can be treated well with medication. The dressing should of course be worn exactly as instructed by the doctor. Skin sutures are removed after about 7 to 10 days. Swelling and bruising can be relatively strong at the beginning.
Therefore, it is common to apply an elastic bandage continuously for one or two weeks and later on for a few weeks at night. The swelling usually goes down very well in the first few weeks, but the final result can only be seen after at least three months.
Restrictions & recommendations
You can usually return to your workplace after one or two days. You should avoid strenuous sporting activities in the first three weeks. In the following period, you should also avoid sports that can easily injure the breast.
You should strictly avoid sun exposure of your scars for six months in order to avoid the risk of pigmentation disorders of the skin in the scar area. If exposure to the sun is unavoidable, you should use creams with the maximum sun protection factor.
Can a Breast Correction be repeated?
In very rare cases a gynecomastia can occur again. Then it is usually no problem to repeat the breast correction. Regular check-ups help to detect and treat possible complications early on. If problems occur, it can be considered in each individual case which corrective measures should be taken.
Costs of a male Breast Correction
The surgical treatment of gynecomastia generally serves to improve the external appearance, which is why the costs of the operation are usually not covered by health insurance companies. In individual cases, if evidence of an underlying disease is provided, the costs may be covered in whole or in part by the health insurance company, so an inquiry may be advisable.
Where does the surgery take place?
Depending on the extent of the diagnosis, the Breast Correction can be performed either outpatiently in our clinic or inpatiently in one of our partner clinics (AOZ Munich North or Diakoniewerk Munich Maxvorstadt). In the case of larger operations, an inpatient stay of several days is recommended in order to ensure close monitoring by medical staff in the first postoperative days.
Book an appointment over the phone (+49-89-348123) or directly in our online-calendar!